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Reporting a Player
Updated over 7 months ago

Unfortunately, there may be times in our games where you will come across someone that is disruptive, cheating, or otherwise exhibiting bad conduct in-game. If this behavior is negatively affecting your time in SMITE, you can certainly report the offending player.

This guide will discuss what is and isn't reportable behavior, and take you step-by-step through the player reporting process.

What Reportable Behavior Looks Like

The following behaviors are unacceptable in our gaming communities and are considered reportable offenses:

  • Intentionally leaving mid game.

  • Harassment of other players- unwanted messages, use of profanity, etc.

  • Intentional feeding

  • Chat spam

  • Hate Speech- language that is harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy

  • Language that encourages/promotes suicide or real life harm

  • Obvious use of hacks/cheating software

What is -not- Considered Reportable Behavior

The following behaviors are not considered reportable offenses as defined by our Terms of Services (ToS):

  • Choosing a God or build that does not suit the "meta"

  • Playing poorly, but still doing their best to play the game as intended

How to Report a Player In-Game

Reporting players in-game is a simple process. After the match, follow the below steps:

From the Main Page, navigate to the Friends List tab at the bottom right of your screen. From here, you will be able to access a list of players you have met on the battlefield.

Once you have identified the offending player, you can click their name, then select the Report Player option from the menu that will appear on the right.


From here, you will have the chance to select a reason for the report, as well as provide a description of what happened. Try to be specific and concise in your description as each report we receive is human-reviewed before action is taken. Once this is completed, hit Send and our Toxicity Team will take further action if necessary.


If you missed the opportunity to report a player in-game and would still like to make a report, feel free to ask for additional assistance via our Help Chat button in the corner of your screen.

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