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Deserter Penalty
Updated over 7 months ago

We hold our players to high standards of conduct in order to ensure everyone is having a fun and exciting time in our games. This includes committing to matches even when things aren't going in your team's favor and giving it your best effort until the end. When someone leaves mid-match, it can leave their team at a steep disadvantage and disrupt the enjoyment of everyone that chose to stay. With this in mind, we have a Deserter Penalty to discourage this behavior.

The Deserter Penalty is a type of temporary suspension that is automatically assigned to a player who has left a match in progress or has left the match lobby prior to the game starting.

When you desert a match, a clock is started. Each time you desert, the clock starts over. You must not desert a match for 12 hours (casual play) or 5 days (ranked play) for the desertion clock to be reset to zero.

The deserter penalty that prevents you from joining match queues has four tiers and they are as follows:

# of Desertions





Clock Resets

Suspension Duration

20 mins

1 hour

12 hours

24 hours

5 days

Suspension Duration

3 mins

5 mins

20 mins

1 hour

12 hours

Please note that the Deserter Penalty system is automated and that it is not possible for the system to differentiate between an intentional and unintentional disconnection- due to this, all scenarios are treated the same.

While it is not possible for the Customer Support Team to remove or shorten Deserter Penalty suspensions, if you are experiencing connectivity issues that are leading to excessive deserter penalties, please reach out to the Customer Support Team for assistance.

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