We track and manage various in-game offenses in our games to try to maintain a fun, friendly in-game community. We apply suspensions for any of the following offenses:
Intentionally leaving mid game
Harassment of other players
Intentional feeding
Chat spam
Hate Speech
Language that encourages/promotes suicide or real life harm
1st offense = 7 Day Suspension
2nd offense = 14 Day Suspension
3rd offense = Permanent Game Ban
Any of the following offenses results in animmediate permanent ban:hacking, fraudulent purchases, impersonating a Hi-Rez employee, account sharing, or real life threats.
Account sharing will result in a permanent ban on the account that was shared as well as a normal suspension, as described above, for the main accounts of any players that used the shared account.
Suspensions or bans may also be applied for specific violations of the EULA or Terms of Service. Visitwww.hirezstudios.com/legalfor specifics.
If you have any questions regarding a ban, please contact the support team; however, be aware that all bans are human-reviewed before put in place and reliability is determined through various logs and back-end detection systems.
All suspensions and bans are at the discretion of Hi-Rez Studios staff.